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Shenzhen Gangwenjing Communications Power Co.Ltd

All Products >> OFC series

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fiber optic splitter plc
fiber optic splitter plc
Specification: Fiber Optic Splitter PLC (1310/1550) 1/2, 9/125mm, 1m/O,9mm
Detail: Characteristics: Broadband transfer Low insertion loss Low PDL High wavelength isolation High stability and reliability Performance index: Operating wavelength: 1310/1,550nm Wavelength of transmission side (nm...

din patch cord
din patch cord
Specification: Insertion loss: +0.3dB
Detail: Features 1、Low insertion and high back reflection loss 2、Good exchangeability 3、Sinall size wasy for dense installation 4、High temperature stability 5、Good environmet adaptability and wide applicability 6、Standard:...

Specification: GWJRG54-24
Detail: 1. Design to mount to any standard 19" rack or cabinet. 2. ***ce saving, high-density 1U (24 port ). 3. IDC contract material: Phosphor bronze with tin plating over nickel. 4. 110 & krone punch down tools are available. ...
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